Monday, July 21, 2008

Nate's Little Spot

I'm not sure what this says about me or my son but Nate now has his own little blog for the things he loves. He wanted to visit a Herbie website, but we couldn't find one that wasn't just for selling products, so he asked, "Can we make one?" And instead of setting up a website, I agreed to make him his own blog. He posts pictures of things that he makes, right now specifically related to Herbie. If any of you friends would like to see it, email me ( and let me know you're gmail address, and I can approve you to see it - it's by invitation only.


Jenn said...

Nates Blog is so cute. it's awesome that he has his own spot to express himself. Your family is so adorable, we will have to get together next time we come to Utah.

Bryan Densley said...

Man, I wish I had a blog when I was 5. I guess I was born a little before my time.