Sunday, July 6, 2008

April .... means that Parker is 2!!!

On April 6th we celebrated Parker's 2nd birthday! And Holy Cow is that boy two! It was like an overnight turn form sweet little boy to Terrible Twos.
(We still Love You Parker, even if you are 2)Here's a funny story for you, just to show how fun a 2 year old boy can be. The other day I was changing Abby in our bedroom, and from where I was standing I could see that someone was in the fridge. Something told me that it had to Parker. I kept talking to him, asking him to get out of the fridge, but the door stayed open. When I was done, I was finally able to go get him out of the fridge. Only to find out what was so fascinating. It was JELLO, that was in the beginning process of hardening. He had his hand in the bowl, flipping the jello all over the fridge. Oh, how fun!!!!


Heather said...

OH! the jello story! makes me want to cry for you! how awful!

Happy Birthday to parker though!

i am SOO glad you are back bloggin! i have missed you! and by the way, I LOVE your background! where on earth do you find all these cute ways!??? soo fun!

Juliana said...

Oh my! I hope the Jello cleaned up easily. :) I thought the 2 year old phase would last forever, but now my girls are in school and there are different advantages and challenges.

Hope that Parker had a super day!

Jenn said...

glad to see you're blogging again, we have missed you dearly. I can't believe Parker is two!! He looks so much like nate did. Welcome Back!!!

shannon said...

sorry about the terrible two's...but at least he's super cute and that makes up for about 1/2 of it, right?

Bryan said...

Each artist must struggle to express himself/herself. My first artistic experience was out in the dirt pile after a hard rain. Needless to say it wasn't dirt anymore. Be thankful Parker is a clean and responsible artist by choosing Jello instead.